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Dropping Partitions


Partitioning is specified on a table when it is initially defined via the PARTITION BY clause. This clause can contain a SQL expression on any columns, the results of which will define which partition a row is sent to.

The data parts are logically associated with each partition on disk and can be queried in isolation. For the example below, we partition the posts table by year using the expression toYear(CreationDate). As rows are inserted into ClickHouse, this expression will be evaluated against each row and routed to the resulting partition if it exists (if the row is the first for a year, the partition will be created).

Read about setting the partition expression in a section How to set the partition expression.

In ClickHouse, users should principally consider partitioning to be a data management feature, not a query optimization technique. By separating data logically based on a key, each partition can be operated on independently e.g. deleted. This allows users to move partitions, and thus subsets, between storage tiers efficiently on time or expire data/efficiently delete from the cluster.

Drop Partitions

ALTER TABLE ... DROP PARTITION provides a cost-efficient way to drop a whole partition.

This query tags the partition as inactive and deletes data completely, approximately in 10 minutes. The query is replicated – it deletes data on all replicas.

In example, below we remove posts from 2008 for the earlier table by dropping the associated partition.